Queensland Government Pauses Access to Hormone Therapies for Minors
The Queensland government has announced an immediate pause on new patients under the age of 18 from accessing hormone therapies in the state's public health system. Health Minister Tim Nicholls unveiled the pause on Tuesday while also announcing a review into the evidence for stage one and two hormone therapies for children experiencing gender dysphoria.
Mr Nicholls indicated that the review will be led by an independent external reviewer, with terms of reference to be determined in consultation with the reviewer. He stated, "The review will encourage the participation of clinicians and professionals with relevant expertise, as well as young people with lived experience and their families."
A final written report is expected to be delivered to the government within 10 months of appointing the reviewer. Until the review is complete, the policy will remain in effect, which means new patients under 18 will not receive hormone therapy in Queensland's health system.
Mr Nicholls clarified that patients who are already on a treatment plan with the Queensland Children's Gender Service will be exempt from this pause, stating, "I'm advised that medically that is the appropriate procedure to follow."
The Queensland Children's Gender Service will continue to provide other clinical support to adolescents experiencing gender dysphoria, including psychiatric and psychological treatment, counselling, and clinically recommended medical interventions.
Mr Nicholls emphasised, "We want people to know that they will be supported. We owe it to children to ensure that care is grounded on solid evidence and that we act in this contested and developing area with caution."