Superman's Reimagining Through the Decades
In the decades since DC published Crisis on Infinite Earths, Superman has undergone numerous significant reinventions, reboots, and adjustments. With another transformation on the horizon, as part of Dan Slott's anticipated journey to Superman’s city, it is an opportune moment to reflect on the past and explore what the most impactful stories reveal about the future.
The concept of rebooting superheroes emerged long after Superman's inception, meaning few significant reboots predated John Byrne's influential mid-'80s run. By including shifts in continuity and overall narrative changes under the umbrella of "reboot," Superman's character has experienced substantial evolution through his eight-decade publication history.
History of Key Superman Reboots
- Superman Forever #1 (1998)
Creators: Louise Jones Simonson, Karl Kesel, Stuart Immonen, and more.
The “Electric Superman” era concluded chaotically, with attempts to reconcile the character's dual versions. Though visually appealing, it lacked a cohesive narrative explaining the changes. - Doomsday Clock (2017)
Creators: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, and others.
This story added depth through the concept of the metaverse but ultimately became another continuity-altering event. - The So-Called "Silent Reboot" (1969)
A significant shift in the multiverse emerged, distinguishing between the Golden Age Superman from Earth-2 and the Earth-1 version. - Absolute Superman #1 (2024)
Creators: Jason Aaron and others.
This new universe offers a darker take on Superman's character, reflecting a modern narrative while maintaining his original essence. - The New 52 (2011)
DC's strategy of restarting titles brought mixed reactions, particularly for Superman, whose storyline faced creative challenges and drastic changes. - Rebirth (2016)
The blending of different Superman versions brought clarity and excitement to storytelling, rekindling interest among fans. - Superman: Birthright (2003)
Mark Waid's influential take closely aligned with the Smallville series, reshaping the character's origins and early years. - Convergence: Superman (2015)
This series aimed to return to a recognizable status quo, re-establishing the foundations of Clark Kent's narrative. - Superman: Secret Origin (2009)
Another major retelling, it offered new readers an accessible entry point while honouring the character's complex history. - The Man of Steel (1986)
John Byrne's reboot is often regarded as the definitive retelling, resetting Superman's backstory and addressing criticisms of his character.
Following the revolution initiated by The Man of Steel, the character enjoyed significant commercial success, evidenced by the popularity of various story arcs well into the late 1990s and beyond.