Saturday Reflections and Self-Care Suggestions for All Zodiac Signs
Instead of a lively, upbeat Saturday, we can expect a much moodier vibe. It may be best to avoid the crowds and stay home or engage in hobbies that can be enjoyed alone or with loved ones. Since emotions will be heightened at this time, we should prioritize self-care as a means of alleviating frustration. This might mean making sure that we're hydrated and well-nourished, as well as exercising our boundaries and practicing good sleeping habits. Self-care can be as simple as tidying up our home or taking a hiatus from social media.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19): Spend some time with your chosen family today. There's a need for a protective space that only love can provide.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): Enjoy some quiet and restful time to yourself. Limit the amount of outside "noise" you're taking in today.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): Don't waste time trying to convert people to what you believe or value. Give more of your time and energy to those who are on the same page as you.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22): Be mindful of being overly accommodating or agreeable. Be authentic instead. It will gain you more respect.
LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): You make things harder for yourself by trying to do it all on your own. Recognize when it's time to step back and let someone else take the reins.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): Instead of forcing yourself to be social or available to others, taking care of yourself and your well-being is a much better option.
LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): You can't please everyone, nor should you try. Focus on your own happiness, and the right people will show up.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): Before you agree to the next project or commitment, make sure that you have the bandwidth and availability.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): Be discerning with your heart -- as well as with your talents or gifts.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): Steer clear of people who drain your energy and emotions. Don't make their issues your problems.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): You may need to reprioritize your to-do list so that you don't end up with an overpacked schedule.
PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): The attention or praise that you get (or don't get) isn't an indication of your worth.
FOR TODAY'S BIRTHDAY: You're an imaginative and inspiring person. You can envision what's possible while also putting in the work and dedication to make that vision a reality. You're undaunted by failure, setbacks, or those who don't get what you do. If you want to achieve a goal, you'll stay the course until it's done. You'll use your brainpower and can-do attitude to make the magic happen. Your quick wit and easygoing personality make you a fan favourite. This year, do what you can to improve your health and well-being, and you'll be ahead of the curve!
BIRTHDATE OF: Mary Steenburgen, actress; Anderson .Paak, singer/musician; Cecily Strong, comedian/actress.